Sunday 23 October 2011

Swim Galla

I had my first swimming Galla of the year on the 15th and 16th of October, NASA's AAA Galla. Despite feeling really sick on Saturday i still went in to swim the 200 IM (Individual Medley) and actually ended winning it despite feeling terrible so i felt really good about that! I did feel horrible afterwards though, was dizzy and almost threw up. Sunday i felt much better and came in to swim the 100 IM, 50 Breast and 50 Free and ended up winning the 100 IM and placing third in the 50 Breast. Again, good results :). Due to Macbeth taking up so much of my schedule, I haven't been at nearly as many Gallas this year as last, but it was exciting to compete again and I'm hoping to be able to participate in more after Nov. 19th when Macbeth goes up. Until then, its just lots of practice!

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