Sunday 23 October 2011

Organizing the Inter School Talent Show

This year it is Artsco's responsibility to organize the annual ISK Inter school talent show. This has been a really stressful job, especially since we had so many people come to the 3 auditions we held. It was really hard because in order to keep the show around 2 hours we had to cut a lot of good people, and it was even harder when they were my friends, but i think this has taught me a lot about taking charge and standing firm by your decisions even when your friends beg you to reconsider after you had to cut them. We narrowed it down to 20 acts, which is already quite a lot but I think we're going to have an excellent show! We're having a dress rehearsal on Wednesday the 26th and on Thursday we will meet up as a group to do decorations before the actual show is on Friday the 28th. I'm really happy with how much Artsco has been able to accomplish over the year and after this I'm hoping to organize another service opportunity before the December break.

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