Tuesday 27 March 2012

Final Reflection - Tennis

My objectives for joining the German School Club Tennis team were to try a new sport which I had never really played on a team and only ever truly experienced in a few P.E. lessons. I also think that Tennis is a sport that is really fun, keeps you fit and you can play for the rest of your life, so i was hoping to create a hobby for myself which would help to keep active for much longer than just my Senior Year. I absolutely love Tennis and I am SO happy i was able to discover a sport that i am so happy passionate about. Saturday Tennis has become one of the best parts of my week and I am always very upset when i have to miss a practice for any reason! The relationships I've built with my teammates have also been great as they come from several different schools around Nairobi and it therefore allowed me to broaden my social horizons, meeting new people and learning from them when I would never have otherwise had the opportunity to do so. I've also actually become quite good at Tennis, something which I never would have expected to happen on my first day of practice. We played a few singles and doubles tournaments and I was actually able to win the most recent singles and doubles championship! Tennis is also great because there is singles and doubles so you get to play individually and with a teammate! Overcoming my fear of being bad, and also overcoming some terrible technique mistakes were my biggest obstacles, but i definitely managed to improve my skills tremendously! Again, persistence and the importance of working hard at something in order to get good are what I have taken away from Tennis and i hope to play it for the rest of my life!

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