Tuesday 27 March 2012

Final Essay

CAS has been a rewarding experience for me over the last two years. Learning to focus not only on academics but also on rounding myself through creativity, action and service has molded me into the person who I am today.
Going out for – and then being cast as – the lead role in the school musical in 11th grade helped me discover my love for theatre, an interest which I then continued to pursue over the two years and which I know I will continue on doing after high school. Drama has helped me develop a strong sense of self-confidence as well as the strict and concentrated work ethic which is required to learn a large part, traits which I think are extremely important in all aspects of life. 
CAS also allowed to me combine different types of activities and through Artsco, the art/service club which I headed in 12th grade, I was able to combine my love for the arts with an opportunity to serve my community. This experience really taught me how I can find something that is meaningful, rewarding and caters to my own interests, which is extremely important in discovering what it is that I will be passionate about for the rest of my life.
As the captain of the swim team and the head of Artsco at school, I have been able to build up leadership skills. Artsco, a club that has a large focus on community service, has taught me responsibility, as I have to contact and organize our service opportunities, including painting murals in the Kibera slum and working with community art programs around Nairobi. Serving as captain of the swim team not only makes me responsible for our numerous elementary and middle school members, but also designates me as the liaison between the younger swimmers and the coach. I must function not only as the captain of the swim team but also as a member of the team, which requires skills in leadership, communication, and cooperation with others. Sports like Tennis and Swimming are also extremely important in my life, as I believe that through them I found a way to not only stay fit in high school but also continue an active life style for the rest of my life.
Participating in service events like the two week trip to the Amazon and Lunahuana in Peru as well as being a member of Habitat for Humanity in 11th grade has taught me an immense respect for people who can live with almost nothing and still be happy and enthusiastic about their situations. The people in the Mai Mahu displaced people camp lost everything during the post election violence in 2007 and yet they are using that as a new beginning and forming a new community in their new home. It really amazed me how people can overcome any obstacle and still be smiling and enjoying themselves, as everyone was always very helpful and kind to us during our Habitat builds.
What made the Amazon trip so rewarding was that we were working with the man and I could really see how much it meant to him that were helping him out. He was always laughing and joking around with us (even though he only spoke Spanish we got by, which was extremely rewarding in itself) and it really just seemed like I was making a difference in his life, which felt great.
On the Lunahuana trip our main focus was working at a local elementary school. I was really scared coming on the trip as a non Spanish speaker that I wouldn't be able to have any impact on the kids but they were so eager to learn and so happy that I was there that it didn't even matter and we managed to communicate. I have to say that this was the most incredible experience of this entire trip, I could really feel that these kids loved what I was doing with them and even only being able to teach them the colors and the parts of the body in English was beyond amazing. They never made me feel like I wasn't getting through to them despite the language barrier. The way in which people can learn to communicate and work together despite cultural difference really strongly impacted me and I think inspired me greatly in choice to pursue International Relations at a college level.
Overall CAS has definitely shaped me into a more understanding and well rounded person, and I think that it has strongly impacted the decisions I will make and the lifestyle I will live over the course of my life. I have learnt that I am a strong leader, that I can find something meaningful and rewarding, which I love doing and that I can overcome any obstacle.

[word count: 801]

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